Our Complaints Process
We’re committed to providing excellent service, but we understand that sometimes things may not go as expected. If you’re unhappy with any part of your experience, we encourage you to let us know so we can put things right.
We take all complaints seriously and will review all evidence including case notes, telephone calls and body worn camera footage (where applicable). This enables us to investigate all aspects of the complaint and achieve a wholesome understanding of the circumstances, to reach a fair and impartial decision.
Where a customer states that they have contradictory evidence, we will request a copy to review.
Complaints procedure
Stage 1: Informal Resolution
We aim to resolve most complaints quickly and informally without needing to complete a full investigation. Once we receive your complaint, one of our Complaints Officers will get in touch – usually by phone, or alternatively via email or in writing – to talk through your concerns. We’ll provide an explanation based on our initial review and aim to resolve the issue promptly.
We’ll acknowledge your complaint within 48 hours.
We aim to resolve informal complaints within 5 working days.
If you're not satisfied with the outcome at this stage, you can request a formal review of your complaint.
Stage 2: Formal Complaint
If you're not satisfied with the outcome of the informal stage – or if your complaint is particularly serious or complex – you can ask us to carry out a formal investigation.
At this stage, your complaint will be thoroughly reviewed by one of our Complaints Officers and the outcome will be approved by our Head of Operations. We'll take a closer look at all the details to ensure a fair and balanced response.
We’ll acknowledge your formal complaint within 48 hours.
We aim to provide a full response within 10 working days.
Stage 3: External Review by the ECB
Effective 1 Jan 2025, if you're still dissatisfied following the response provided at stage 2, you can escalate your complaint externally to the Enforcement Conduct Board for review. This is the final step in the process and offers a further level of review outside our organisation.
Note: the above two stages must be followed before reaching out to the ECB.
To progress to stage 3, click here.
Who is the Enforcement Conduct Board?
The Enforcement Conduct Board (ECB) provides independent oversight of the enforcement industry (bailiffs) to ensure that all those subject to enforcement action in England and Wales are fairly treated.
As part of our commitment to providing ethical enforcement, Dukes supports independent oversight from the ECB and is an accredited member. As such, we agree to the ECB's standards and agree to a stage 3 complaint review.
How to make a complaint
If you call our Customer Service team, a contact centre agent will endeavour to resolve your complaint over the phone, in the first instance.
If you remain dissatisfied, they will ask you to complete complaints form. This will be emailed to you and can be completed online or by hand. It must be returned to solutions@dukeslimited.co.uk or posted to our head office address.
Note: It's important that when submitting a complaint you provide as much information as possible so we can investigate your complaint thoroughly.​​